Here I mainly use different relief styles and materials to obtain a free interpretation of earthly existence with the aim of representing it in all its diverse facets.

Earthly Existence (90x60x3)


Eye Of the Universe (2×160/80)

Heaven Above (100x120x3)
Full Moon in a Mystery World (160x160)
Out of Nature (70X100X3)
Red in All Facets (140x100)
The Earthly Existence (100x70x3)

Eartlhy Existance II (3x90x60)

Alpha and Omega (120x100x2)


Go With The Wind (100X70)


Fiery Heat (40X120)
Earthly Glow (160X80)
Fiery Heat variation (40X120)
The Splendor of the Sky Colors (80X60)
Waves in The Sand (3X 50X50)


unadulterated nature (3x90x60)

1 deel €2375 – 2 delen € 4650 – 3 delen € 6480

Story Of The Moon (2x 180×60)


Moon Disappears Behind The Clouds (2x 180×60) 


Eartlhy Existance II (3x90x60)


The Golden Moon

Sunglow (2x 160×80) 


Moon Melody(120×120)


Moon Gold Dream (2x 160/80)


Powerful Energy (140/100)
